Meet the Artists
The artists featured below are the talented individuals responsible for all of the amazing artwork available on CANVII. Click any artist to learn more about them

Alejandra started painting at the age of 20 and has moved with a sense of purpose throughout her entire career. She creates artwork that emphasizes strength in individuals with a message of empowerment rooted in each piece.
No Art Collection to showcase for Alejandra at the moment, but we're working on it...
More By Alejandra

BLJ discovered his passion for art at a very young age and was encouraged by his parents to pursue this passion of his. Starting off as a graffiti artist, BLJ slowly transitioned to the paintbrush and other mediums as he got older and his artistic abilities matured. With his preferred mediums being acrylic paint and spray paint, BLJ creates a lot of works that have underlying messages and promote positivity.
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Brian Flannory II
More By Brian Flannory II

Chris Rob
More By Chris Rob

Christina is quite versed in the world of art, having success not only as a visual artist, but also as a business woman and author.
Christina's art career began her Senior year of high school. She took up an art class and eventually found art as an effective outlet to express herself and channel emotion. Today, Stina has become a renowned visual artist in a relatively short period of time. Whether creating a commissioned piece or creating works derived from her personal feelings, the end result is a phenomenal piece of artwork.
More By Christina

Cynthia Pareja Dubin
More By Cynthia Pareja Dubin

Influenced by cartoons as a child, Destiny has always felt that producing works of art and making something out of nothing was second nature to her. With her main subject matter being people (especially women) and favorite medium being oil paint, Destiny id driven by 'in the moment' feelings and creates beautiful works that she ultimately hopes to have a positive impact on people's lives.
No Art Collection to showcase for Destiny at the moment, but we're working on it...
More By Destiny

Hans Solo
More By Hans Solo

Jae Martin
Jae Martin is a visual manipulator from Philly who focuses on creating pieces centered around cultural icons or expressing love to someone.
Jae's artwork is a strong representation of CANVII's mantra, 'Top Tier Artists and Premium Artwork' which made it a no-brainer for when it came to signing him. His most preferred medium to use when creating is House Paint. The appreciation for the way it flows enables a precision Jae deems necessary when creating his art pieces. In addition, he uses a matte finish and enjoys using graffiti tools.
More By Jae Martin

Jimmy 'ArtMonster'
Starting off only drawing, Jimmy would practice on his art every single day. After high school Jimmy moved to Miami and his artwork got an immense amount of exposure on Miami's art scene. Specializing in pop art, Jimmy has sold over 140 pieces to date since he started painting 3 years ago. Truly earning himself the title of Art Monster
More By Jimmy 'ArtMonster'

Kel Vera Twins
More By Kel Vera Twins

Kelly, Sarah
More By Kelly, Sarah

More By Layes

Linda Mawala
More By Linda Mawala

Marquis Taylor
Marquis 'Sketch' Taylor is a mixed media artist who creates colorful, detail-oriented pieces, using a number of different mediums. He's currently making a name for himself through his fluid, comic-like art style and his versatile use of mediums for his pieces
More By Marquis Taylor

Natasha Gohil
Starting off in public health, Natasha changed majors her
sophomore year in college at Rutgers and graduated with a degree
in Fine Arts. Natasha is now a graphic designer who thoroughly
enjoys the digital side of art but also has a real passion for creating
on the more traditional canvas side as well
More By Natasha Gohil